15. T. Vibel, M. B. Christensen, R. M. F. Andersen, L. N. Stokholm, K. Pawłowski, K. Rzążewski, M. A. Kristensen, and J. J. Arlt
Atom Number Fluctuations in Bose Gases - Statistical analysis of parameter estimation [Article Accepted][arXiv]
Journal of Physics B X,YYY (2024)

14. Jakub Kopyciński, Buğra Tüzemen, Wojciech Górecki, Krzysztof Pawłowski, Maciej Łebek
Propagation properties and stability of dark solitons in weakly interacting Bose–Bose droplets [article][arXiv][data]
Journal of Physics B 57, 035302 (2024)

13. Maciej Marciniak, Maciej Łebek, Jakub Kopyciński, Wojciech Górecki, Rafał Ołdziejewski, Krzysztof Pawłowski
Super-Tonks-Girardeau Quench in the Extended Bose-Hubbard Model
Physical Review A 108, 043304 (2023)[article][arXiv] [data]

12. M.B. Kruk, T. Vibel, J. Arlt, P. Kulik, K. Pawłowski, K. Rzążewski
Fock State Sampling Method - Characteristic Temperature of Maximal Fluctuations for Interacting Bosons in Box Potentials
Acta Physica Polonica 143, S171 (2023)

11. V.M. Pergamenshchik, T. Bryk, A. Trokhymchuk
Canonical partition function and distance dependent correlation functions of a quasi-one-dimensional system of hard disks
Journal of Molecular Liquids 387, 122572 (2023)

10. Victor Pergamenschchik
Continuum theory of a nematic liquid crystal with a nonideal physical surface and the surfacelike elasticity [article][arXiv]
Liquid Cristals 50, 54 (2023)

9. Jakub Kopyciński, Maciej Łebek, Wojciech Górecki, Krzysztof Pawłowski
Ultrawide dark solitons and droplet-soliton coexistence in a dipolar Bose gas with strong contact interactions [arXiv] [article]
Physical Review Letters 130, 043401 (2023)

8. Buğra Tüzemen, Tomasz Zawiślak, Gabriel Wlazłowski, Piotr Magierski
Disordered structures in ultracold spin-imbalanced Fermi gas [article] [arXiv]
New J. Phys. 25, 033013 (2023)

7. J. Kopyciński, L. Parisi, N. Parker, K. Pawłowski
Quantum Monte Carlo-based density functional for one-dimensional Bose-Bose mixtures[article] [arXiv]
Phys. Rev. Research 5, 023050 (2023)

6. Maciej Łebek, Jakub Kopyciński, Wojciech Górecki, Rafał Ołdziejewski, Krzysztof Pawłowski
Elementary excitations of dipolar Tonks-Girardeau droplets [arXiv]
arXiv preprint

5.Maciej Bartłomiej Kruk, Dawid Hryniuk, Mick Kristensen, Toke Vibel, Krzysztof Pawłowski, Jan Arlt, Kazimierz Rzążewski
Microcanonical and Canonical Fluctuations in Bose-Einstein Condensates -- Fock state sampling approach [article][arXiv][data]
SciPost Physics 14, 036 (2023)

4. Jakub Kopyciński, Maciej Łebek, Maciej Marciniak, Rafał Ołdziejewski, Wojciech Górecki, Krzysztof Pawłowski
Beyond Gross-Pitaevskii equation for 1D gas: quasiparticles and solitons [article][arXiv]
SciPost Phys. 12, 023 (2022)

3.M. B. Christensen, T. Vibel , A. J. Hilliard , M. B. Kruk, K. Pawłowski, D. Hryniuk, K. Rzążewski, M. A. Kristensen, J. J. Arlt
Observation of Microcanonical Atom Number Fluctuations in a Bose-Einstein Condensate [article][arXiv]
Physical Review Letters 126, 153601 (2021)

2.Jakub Kopyciński, Wojciech R Pudelko, Gabriel Wlazłowski
Vortex lattice in spin-imbalanced unitary Fermi gas [article][arXiv]
Physical Review A104, 053322 (2021)

1.Yifan Li, Krzysztof Pawlowski, Boris Decamps, Paolo Colciaghi, Matteo Fadel, Philipp Treutlein, Tilman Zibold
Fundamental Limit of Phase Coherence in Two-component Bose-Einstein Condensates [article][arXiv]
Physical Review Letters 125, 123402 (2020)

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